Safety and Simplicity in Root Canal Instrumentation
Safety and Simplicity in Root Canal Instrumentation
Myths, Metal and Motion
Speaker: Keith Evans, DMD, MS
Myths, Metal and Motion
Speaker: Keith Evans, DMD, MS
As a result of recent improvements in metallurgy, enhanced designs, and innovative rotary file motions, we now need to understand how these changes affect clinical instrumentation. Furthermore, we must take advantage of these improvements to create an instrumentation protocol that combines Safety with Simplicity.
Speaker: Keith Evans, DMD, MS
In this presentation, Dr. Allen Nasseh will condense and review the most important aspects of endodontic therapy, starting with concepts for clinical success, diagnosis, anesthesia, access and irrigation, all the way to instrumentation, Obturation and post-op management of the typical case in the modern dental practice.
Speaker: Allen Ali Nasseh, DDS, MMSc