Robert R. Winter, D.D.S.

Dr. Winter graduated in 1981 from Marquette University School of Dentistry, and in 1983 completed his Prosthodontic Specialty Residency in Milwaukee, Wisconsin at the VA Medical Center.  Since 1983, he has maintained a private practice limited to Prosthodontics, is an instructor at Spear Education, and is co-owner of Esthetics by Design, a commercial laboratory specializing in difficult cases and highly esthetic restorations.  He is a Past President of the American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry, where he remains a member. He is also a member of the American Academy of Restorative Dentistry, and the American Dental Association.

Having taught more than 900 didactic, clinical, and technical courses in over 40 countries, Dr. Winter is recognized around the world as a premier clinician, dental technologist, and master ceramist. Dr. Winter sits on the review boards for the Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistrythe International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry, and the International Journal of Implant Dentistry.  In 1991, he was the second recipient of the Gordon Christensen Lecturer Recognition Award for Excellence in Restorative Education, and in 2005, Dr. Winter was named Marquette University School of Dentistry Distinguished Alumni of the Year.  In 2018, Dr. Winter received the inaugural Distinguished Lecturer Award from the prestigious American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry.


Marquette University School of Dentistry



K0291 Winter: Kit Chart


Inside Dentistry Article: Outcome-Based Preparation Design for Anterior Veneers Using Specific Depth-Cutting Burs